Provision of Primary Health Care Services in the community.


A clean, resilient and healthy community that believes in the almighty where everybody is guided by the right knowledge, skills and attitude towards better health.


The Polillo Rural Health Unit shall aim to provide holistic, patient-centered and community-driven care by utilizing the full capacity of its human and nonhuman resources to consistently provide quality and responsive health services that prevent diseases, prolong lives and promote health in all life stages especially for the poor vulnerable.


Our agency shall strive to improve all health outcomes with special focus on mothers, children, nutrition, zero open defecation, emergency preparedness, and TB control achieved through strong primary health care delivered by highly motivated staff. These shall be performed with a centralized recording system.

We shall build harmonious relationships among our workers, uphold their professional growth and encourage participative leadership of all staff and people in the grassroots.

We commit to build a conducive workplace; enhance its physical structures through well-equipped additional facilities, and transportation; and improved logistics and equipment including internet-based and predominantly paper-less transactions.

To enable the RHU, we shall strongly advocate for commensurate, permanent and well-compensated staff, people-centered approaches, barangay government prioritization on health, innovative health financing and the preservation of enjoyment and motivation in our work.