Municipal Accountant

  1. Install and maintain an internal audit system in the local government unit concerned;
  2. Prepare and submit financial statements to the mayor and to the sanggunian concerned;
  3. Apprise the sanggunian and other local government officials on the financial condition and operations of the local government unit concerned;
  4. Review supporting documents before preparation of vouchers to determine completeness of requirements;
  5. Prepare statements of cash advances, liquidation, salaries, allowances, reimbursements and remittances pertaining to the local government unit;
  6. Prepare statements of journal vouchers and liquidation of the same and other adjustments related thereto;
  7. Prepare journals and the analysis of obligations and maintain and keep all records and reports related thereto;
  8. Prepare Liquidation Reports of Fund downloaded to LGU and facilitate submission of reports to the concerned agencies.
  9. Review Barangay transactions and prepare financial statements based on the submitted barangay records; and
  10. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be provided by law or ordinance.


Administrative Officer II

  1. Assist the Municipal Accountant in the preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual Financial Reports.
  2. Prepare schedule of remittances, Filing & Payment of BIR (EFPS) and Issuance of BIR Form 2306, 2307 and other BIR Forms upon request of suppliers, and contractors
  3. Prepare and reconcile General Ledgers & Subsidiary Ledgers of GF, SEF & TF
  4. Monitoring and preparation of reports to COA of the Agency Action Plan and Status of Implementation of Audit Observations and Recommendations.
  5. Assist the Municipal Accountant in the preparation of Liquidation Reports of Fund downloaded to LGU and facilitate submission of reports to the concerned agencies.
  6. Assist the Municipal Accountant in the preparation of Full Disclosure Reports. (SEF Utilization, Trust Fund Utilization, LDRRMF Utilization, Status of Cash Advances and Statement of Cash Flows)
  7. Maintain books for the Special Accounts (Port, Cemetery, Market & Slaughterhouse)
  8. Prepare Bank Reconciliation of General Fund, Special Education and Trust Fund accounts.
  9. Prepare certificate of remittances and compensation as requested.
  10. Other tasks that maybe assigned relative to the functions of this office.


Bookkeeper I

  1. Perform Initial review/checking of attachments and computations of submitted vouchers and daily wage payrolls as per checklist of documentary requirements of COA Circular 2012-01 (Genera l Fund, SEF & Trust Fund); Review computation of amounts and Prepare Journal Entry Vouchers – General Fund, SEF & Trust Fund
  2. Prepare Payroll of Regular Employees 3 days before payday.
  3. Prepare cash advances for permanent and daily wage payroll.
  4. Issuance of BIR Form 2306, 2307 and other BIR Forms upon request of suppliers, and contractors in the absence of the personnel assigned.
  5. Prepare schedule of remittances of premiums, loans and other GSIS transactions.
  6. Prepare APP and PPMP, and revisions as necessary.
  7. Act as GAD TWG representative of Accounting Office.
  8. Other Task that maybe assigned relative to the function of this office.


Administrative Aide VI

  1. Recording of Journal Entry Voucher to PPSAS Access Program of SEF (Check Disbursement Vouchers, Collections, Cash Disbursements) and Preparation of Monthly Reports (Cash Receipts Journal, Check Disbursement Journals, & Cash Disbursement Journals and other reports –SEF).
  2. Reconciliation of Book balances and Cash Book Balances of Cash in Bank, Cash in Treasury and Payroll Fund accounts – SEF.
  3. Prepare schedule of remittances of premiums, and employees loans from Pag-ibig Fund & Philhealth, Land Bank of the Philippines, UCPB and Other Lending Institutions
  4. Updating of Employees Ledger Cards
  5. Prepare advice of checks issued to be submitted every Friday to LBP
  6. Monitoring of barangay submission of transmittal of accounts and Recording of Barangay JEV on the Microsoft Access System.
  7. Assist the Municipal Accountant in the preparation of Barangay Financial Reports.
  8. Other tasks that maybe assigned relative to the functions of this office.


Administrative Aide VI

  1. Recording of Journal Entry Voucher to PPSAS Access Program of General F und (Check Disbursement Vouchers, Collections, Cash Disbursements) and Preparation of Monthly Reports (Cash Receipts Journal, Check Disbursement Journals, & Cash Disbursement Journals and other reports –GF).
  2. Reconciliation of Book balances and Cash Book Balances of Cash in Bank, Cash in Treasury and Payroll Fund accounts – GF.
  3. Prepare Payroll of Regular Employees 3 days before payday.
  4. Monitoring and Updating of PPE Ledger Cards, preparation of schedule of PPE and reconciliation of records with the reports submitted by the GSO.
  5. Recording and Monitoring of Accounts Payable Vouchers.
  6. Other tasks that maybe assigned relative to the functions of this office.


Accounting Aide (JO)

  1. Filing and Safe Keeping of Accounting Records (Disbursement Vouchers, Payrolls, Collections, Others – GF/TF/SEF).
  2. Maintenance and monitoring of all incoming and outgoing documents including disbursement vouchers, payrolls, etc.
  3. Monitoring and keeping records of office supplies and assist in the preparation of Purchase Requests.
  4. Updating of Supplies Ledger Cards – Drugs and Medicines & Laboratory Supplies.
  5. Processing of disbursement vouchers for the Small Value Procurements and reimbursement of Internet & Telephone Expenses of Accounting Office.
  6. Maintaining records of Electricity Expenses of LGU,
  7. Maintaining/Monitoring Records of Wages of Job Order Employees.
  8. Monitoring and recording of Transmittal of Accounts Submitted by the Barangays for signature of the Municipal Accountant.
  9. Other tasks that maybe assigned relative to the functions of this office.


Accounting Aide (JO)

  1. Filing and Safe Keeping of Accounting Records (Disbursement Vouchers, Collections, Payrolls, Others – GF, SEF & TF).
  2. Maintenance and monitoring of all incoming and outgoing documents including disbursement vouchers, payrolls, etc.
  3. Monitoring and keeping records of office supplies and assist in the preparation of Purchase Requests.
  4. Prepare advice of checks issued to be submitted every Friday to LBP in the absence of permanent employee assigned.
  5. Updating PPE Ledger Cards in the Access Program of LGU and Barangays.
  6. Updating of Supplies Ledger Cards (Office Supplies, Other Supplies, and Welfare Goods)
  7. Recording and Monitoring of Accounts Payable Vouchers.
  8. Other tasks that maybe assigned relative to the functions of this office.


  • To install, discharge and maintain an effective accounting and internal control system in the Municipal Government ensuring all resources are utilized in conformity with laws, policies, PPSAS, and are safeguarded against loss, wastage and misuse.
  • To report on the financial position and the results of operation of the Municipal Government for the information of all agencies, officials and officers concerned.
  • To establish financial data concerning past operations and present condition as managerial guide for future operations.
  • To regulate the process of bookkeeping undertaking analysis of accounts, recording, classifying, summarizing and interpreting the results thereof for all transactions involving receipt and disposition of funds and properties.


The Office of the Municipal Accountant is envisioned to be a competitive financial information center, equipped with modern facilities, with competent and committed personnel, towards a complete, accurate and timely recording and reporting of all financial transactions of the Municipal Government of Polillo.


To provide reliable and timely financial information through an effective accounting and internal control systems, abreast with modern technology, ensuring financial security, transparent operations and well-defined accountability, thus achieving an effective and efficient delivery of genuine public services.


We are committed to provide reliable and timely financial information and pledge to achieve the highest possible quality service.